typical striped grass mouse câu
four-striped grass mouse
Four-striped Grass Mouse in the Kgalagadi.Cáo vờn chuột trong sa mạc Kgalagadi.

ethiopian striped mouse
In addition, 600 species that were assessed previously as being non-threatened, are actually likely to be threatened, such as the red-b...

Here you see a typical meal the prisoners are getting.Đây là một bữa ăn kiểu mẫu mà các tù binh đang dùng. It's not really typical for...

You know the little restaurant with the striped awning... serves arancinos.Em biết nhà hàng nhỏ với mái hiên sọc bán bánh arrancino. T...

Jackson's Widowbirds also seek fresh grass.Chim quả phụ Jackson (Jackson's Widowbird) cũng đi tìm cỏ non. As the calves appear, so too...

Look at him, he's as poor as a church mouse.Trắng trẻo lại giàu nữa Con xem cái thứ kia, đen thui à "So you can be the one who puts th...

typical antipsychotic
Melperone (Bunil (PT), Buronil (AT, BE, CZ, DK, FL†, NL†, NO†, SE), Eunerpan (DE))[3] is an atypical antipsychotic of the butyrophenone...

typical character
But the names also show a typical character trait: and this is what concerns us here.Nhưng những tên gọi cũng cho thấy một nét cá tính ...

striped bass
It's a hybrid cross between striped bass and white bass.Đây là giống cá lai giữa Striped bass và White bass. Higher alkalinities of at...

striped beakfish
Oplegnathus fasciatus, the barred knifejaw or striped beakfish, is a species of knifejaw native to the northwestern Pacific Ocean thoug...

striped cloth
Patriotism is ordinarily only hatred disguised in acceptable terms, and commended to the common people with striped cloth, silver medal...

striped dolphin
The striped dolphin was described by Franz Meyen in 1833. .Cá heo sọc được mô tả bởi Franz Meyen vào năm 1833. The Striped Dolphin get...

striped hyena
However, there was a case of a female striped hyena dominating 12 Arabian wolves.Tuy nhiên, có một trường hợp một con linh cẩu sọc cái ...

striped skunk
The Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis)Chồn hôi sọc (Mephitis mephitis) But perhaps more surprising was that most species, including bob...

striped trousers
Moths have just ruined your uncle's striped trousers.Mấy con nhậy đã làm hư cái quần sọc của chú con. Wool striped Trousers by Pringle...

striped tuna
Australia: Tax imposed on tuna products shall be reduced to 0% as soon as the agreement comes into effect (basic tax rate of 0%, except...

a snake in the grass
He's a snake in the grass — a guy you really can't trust.A snake in the grass: một người không thể tin tưởng được He's a snake in the g...

This technology creates a sturdier playing surface in comparison to an all-grass pitch like that currently at Old Trafford.Công nghệ nà...

bermuda grass
How to Kill Bermuda Grass in My LawnLàm thế nào để tiêu diệt cỏ Bermuda trong bãi cỏ Bentgrass is cut shorter than Bermuda grass, ther...

couch grass
How to get rid of couch grass in a vegetable garden without chemicalsLàm thế nào để loại bỏ một gốc cây chết trong vườn mà không có hóa...

cut grass
You smell of fields, of wet, recently cut grass.Anh có mùi của cánh đồng, mùi mưa, mùi cỏ tươi mới cắt. "I couldn't cut grass hardly,"...

elephant grass
This is elephant grass, which is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world.Khi nhìn bằng mắt thường, cánh hoa nhìn khá mềm mại El...

goose grass
It is established that the goose grass contains the following components:Nó được thành lập rằng cỏ ngỗng có chứa các thành phần sau:

grass carp
For a goldfish to evolve into a grass carp, the difficulty would be a little higher.Muốn đem kim ngư tiến hóa làm một cái cá trắm cỏ, t...

grass court
The grass court shoes must adhere to the Grand Slam rules.Giày thi đấu sân cỏ phải tuân theo luật của giải Grand Slam. That really doe...